

1. Bird welfare should come first.

Birdwatching cannot be detrimental to them. Whenever we see that our activity or presence may be a nuisance or problem for birds or other living beings, we must give up on our
exercise, following the principle of prudence.

2. The habitat must be protected.

Any alteration that we cause in the habitat, can negatively influence birds and the rest of the ecosystem:

– Leave no waste.
– Do not harm, collect or alter flora or other elements of the environment.
– Avoid driving off trails, roads or passageways.
– Do not make excessive noise or speak in a very loud voice, causing nuisance to wildlife and other observers.

3. Do not alter the behavior of the birds.

It is essential not to disturb the birds at any time, but especially in mating and breeding season (since we can cause its reproductive failure) and in winter (when adverse conditions cause a loss of energy difficult to compensate):

– Always keep away from nests, breeding colonies and roosts. In case you have inadvertently approached, withdraw immediately.
– Avoid using claims or recordings to attract birds, especially in mating season, since energy expenditure and exposure to predators can be fatal.
– Use suitable optical instruments for remote observation and discreet colored clothing to minimize visual impact.
– It is also recommended to have specialized publications and whenever possible with the services of specialized guides to take better advantage of the experience and avoid impacts due to ignorance.
– Use the observatories and other spaces created for bird watching.

4. Do not harass rare or protected birds.

Rare bird species, ramblings that appear suddenly in an area and protected species tend to arouse a very strong interest that can end in the massive influx of observers to a specific area.
Given the fragility of these species, choose not to contribute to increasing the risk of discomfort.

5. Respect the regulations on protection of the natural environment and report impacts.

Laws and regulations for the protection of nature (including specific regulations for protected areas and related to species) must be known and respected by all, especially, by those who carry out leisure activities in the natural environment. In case of witnessing inappropriate behavior or detecting injured animals, poisoned or dead, immediately call the phones:

– Inappropriate behaviors: SEPRONA (Tfno: 924205761)
– Dead or apparently poisoned animals: SOS Poison – 900 713 182
– Injured animals: Fauna Recovery Service of the Government of Extremadura 900 35 18 58

6. Respect the rights of farm owners and other people.

Never access private farms without the permission of the owner, always follow their directions, avoiding access on unauthorized dates or areas. Respect the activity of other people in the area and the agricultural and livestock activity of the area.

7. Information to the competent administration about new birds sighted

You must inform the General Directorate of the Environment (Tfno: 924930097) in the event that a new species is sighted.
